Celebrate Life Today Workshop
Can you believe people are already signing up for the 2025 Celebrate Life Today Workshop?!? Well, actually, I can because a woman asked recently if I still had her name on the list from last year, when she couldn’t make it. She wants to clear her calendar for sure for this next Workshop. \0/ I’m just beginning to get the new Workshop put together and I’m having a hard time limiting all the goodies down to bite-sized chunks since every year the Workshop morphs a little. It continues to be a fun adventure.
Because this is a serious commitment we offer the 24 week Celebrate Life Today Workshop yearly, beginning in January and running thru June, meeting once a week. This block of time is the least interrupted by school calendars and typical vacation times.
Celebrate Life Today Workshop is a Christian Oriented Twelve Step Workshop using the familiar Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, but with modifications, as many Self-Help groups have done. Of course, we use Scripture for each of the 12 Steps and all of the Spiritual Principles. Rather than focusing on alcohol, drugs, over-eating, etc. we are recognizing the human condition and that “…in this world you will have trouble…” as Jesus told us, and we find that using the 12 Steps as we search Scripture, we can more easily “…take heart…” as we learn to apply the Principles we find there to face our hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
Every year the time and day are different depending upon all participants’ schedules but it will begin the first or second week of January, 2024. To determine the specific date and time, I’ll be sending an email soon to those who have already requested update and/or enrollment to get feed back. Space is limited. It is possible that we’ll do an evening as well as a daytime Workshop.
Does this sound like something you’d like to be a part of? Be sure to leave us your name and email address for more information and then you can decide if this is for you.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Til then,
Hugs from me to you.
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