to Celebrate Life Today Workshop !!
We’re hoping you’ll join us as we investigate the original Twelve Steps and their Biblical origins as together we learn to actually
celebrate life, rather than just ‘getting by’.
Jesus said, “I have come that they may have LIFE and that they may have it more abundantly.”
That sounds really good – but what IS that?
I mean, in the day-to-day, rubber-meets- the-road, kind of way.
A little later on He says, “…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Ah Ha!! Yessireebob. I’ve had some troubles – many of my own making, I’m afraid.
But now, just how does that “overcoming” part happen in the everyday world, with our own failings and frustrations – with ourselves, our friends and loved ones and the world in general?
We can all benefit from the experiences of one another, learning to live the Life we were intended to live in a real, down-to-earth, practical manner.
After all, one of those ‘spiritual principles’ repeated so often in scripture, is “one another”. God never planned for us to go it alone.
We need one another.
So, let’s work together as we
Prepare and Prevent or Repair and Repent?
I think one of the major places I’ve been able to “take heart” has been
being together on this amazing journey with so many folks,
some of whom were experienced in the Twelve Step community
as well as some who had never heard of the ‘Twelve Steps”.
Will you join me on this journey sharing the adventure of learning to Celebrate Life?
email me @ celebratelife2day@yahoo.com and I’ll send the details.
Let me know if you’ll want to be in the drawing for a
“Celebrate Life Recovery Bible” (NLT).
Celebrate Life Today Zoom Workshop
Thursday, January 23, 2025
7:00 pm EST
This website is a work in progress… as are WE? Right?
———————- UNDER CONSTRUCTION ————————
We’re working on solving some problems on the webpage for now and I am So Not Tech Savvy,
so please bear with us as we try not to miss your comments and input.
Meanwhile, Hugs from me to You.