JADE BRACELET AND COW BELLS Having a wonderful …AWARENESS .??…..  A few moments of becoming aware of why wearing my JADE bracelet is so much more than I had intended.  I had begun wearing it while I was writing or journaling just to remind me of the acronym  J.A.D.E. –  that I need not Justify, […]

Reasons, Not Excuses

“All successful people, men and women, are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.”  Author Brian Tracy The above quote was the encouragement our writing workshop leader gave to begin our Work Together Time, today.  […]

Pulling Weeds

A friend once said she really LIKED to pull weeds.  So much so, that her husband couldn’t understand why she didn’t let the gardener do that, & probably thought she was a bit nuts.  Now I have to agree with him to some degree ~ I would definitely let the gardener do it ~ if […]

When Character Defects Collide

When Character Defects Collide   Happy Birthday to Me I’m not sure what to name the Character Defects which have collided, but one of mine is definitely “People Pleasing”, but aided by my Southern upbringing, that gets tangled up with a slogan which should have been applied… which is: “Say What You Mean, Mean What […]

Have you ever felt like you needed some human understanding…?

Have you ever felt like you needed some human contact, compassion, understanding or just someone present with your heart? Recently, we had to rush our precious Terrier/Chihuahua, Buddy, to the Vet with either a stroke, seizure, or poison induced seizure (toads in Florida – yuck). He’s improving a little each day for which I’m overwhelmed […]