Having a wonderful …AWARENESS .??…..  A few moments of becoming aware of why wearing my JADE bracelet is so much more than I had intended.  I had begun wearing it while I was writing or journaling just to remind me of the acronym  J.A.D.E. –  that I need not Justify, Argue, Defend, or Explain myself…even TO myself, much less to any potential readers! 

But I became aware of the sound my jade bracelet made clinking against my gold and silver bracelets I usually wear, I realized it was actually a lovely sound – almost musical.  As I began thinking how that was affecting me, I realized it was keeping me in the NOW.  It was letting me know “where I am” !!!  Sounds nuts, I know. 


But this is even going to sound nuttier:                                   

I have always loved the sound of the bells on cow’s and sheep’s necks so they could be heard wherever  they were, even when out of sight. 

See related image detail. 'Brown Swiss Cow, Switzerland' Photographic Print - Lynn M. Stone ...

So, is this gentle ringing of my jade constantly letting me know where I am –

even when I wander off into the Past ‘jade-ing’ 

or the Future ‘what-if-ing’ –

bringing me back to NOW. 

How lovely.

I don’t need to JADE

because NOW is really the only place I can be. 

(Eckhart would be proud of me.)     
