Pulling Weeds

A friend once said she really LIKED to pull weeds.  So much so, that her husband couldn’t understand why she didn’t let the gardener do that, & probably thought she was a bit nuts.  Now I have to agree with him to some degree ~ I would definitely let the gardener do it ~ if […]

Getting a Word in Edgewise

I recently saw a friend I hadn’t seen for awhile. It was a nice visit; she talked nonstop catching me up about everyone in her family, friends, family’s friends, medical info of each as well as her own, etc.  It was nice to see her and to catch up. After about 30 minutes or so, […]

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem I recently saw a song “Carpe Diem” on someone’s blog as I was blog hopping. Their blog was focusing on Fitness and self-care and obviously “seizing the day” —  all very positive and go-get-em kind of things — encouraging people to exercise and eat right and have a bucket list and all of […]